Tichatschke, R
System Modeling and Optimization XX : IFIP TC7 20th Conference on System Modeling and Optimization (July 23-27, 2001, Iter, Germany) by E.W. Sachs - Boston Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001 - vi, 331p.
Table of Contents:
1 On Approximate Rob
Mathematical optimization -- Congresses
Control theory -- Congresses
629.8312 TIC
System Modeling and Optimization XX : IFIP TC7 20th Conference on System Modeling and Optimization (July 23-27, 2001, Iter, Germany) by E.W. Sachs - Boston Kluwer Academic Publishers 2001 - vi, 331p.
Table of Contents:
1 On Approximate Rob
Mathematical optimization -- Congresses
Control theory -- Congresses
629.8312 TIC